
Here you can find a list of my scientific publications.Coauthored with John Calsamiglia, Florencia del Castillo, Tatjana Carle, Barbara Kraus, Otfried Gühne, Frank E.S. Steinhoff, Tobias Moroder, Matteo Rossi, Dagmar Bruß, Chiara Macchiavello, Katharina Schwaiger, David Sauerwein, Julio I. de Vicente, Michael Martin, Erwin Folmer, Guillermo Vega-Gorgojo, Hans Lammerant, Rachel Finn, Umair ul Hassan and other collaborators in the BYTE project, Anna Fensel, Lorenzo Bigagli, Christian Junker, Zaenal Akbar, María José García San Pedro, and Agnes Schlüter.

For citation indices, see Google Scholar.

Journal articles

  1. Editar la Viquipèdia: punt de trobada de competències matemàtiques, lingüístiques i digitals.
    Martí Cuquet, Agnes Schlüter.
    Noubiaix: revista de la FEEMCAT i la SCM 45, 44-55 (2019)
  2. Percepciones y uso de la Wikipedia en alumnos de educación secundaria.
    Martí Cuquet, María José García San Pedro.
    Education in the Knowledge Society 20, 8 (2019).
    [ BibTeX ]
  3. The societal impact of big data: A research roadmap for Europe.
    Martí Cuquet, Anna Fensel.
    Technology in Society 54, 74-86 (2018).
    [ arXiv:1610.06766 | PDF | Bibtex ]
  4. Source and accessible entanglement of few-body systems.
    David Sauerwein, Katharina Schwaiger, Martí Cuquet, Julio I. de Vicente, Barbara Kraus.
    Physical Review A 92, 062340 (2015).
    [ arXiv:1508.02524 | PDF | Bibtex ]
  5. Operational multipartite entanglement measures.
    Katharina Schwaiger, David Sauerwein, Martí Cuquet, Julio I. de Vicente, Barbara Kraus.
    Physical Review Letters 115, 150502 (2015).
    [ arXiv:1503.00615 | PDF | Bibtex ]
  6. Entanglement and nonclassical properties of hypergraph states.
    Otfried Gühne, Martí Cuquet, Frank E.S. Steinhoff, Tobias Moroder, Matteo Rossi, Dagmar Bruß, Barbara Kraus, Chiara Macchiavello.
    Journal of Physics A 47, 335303 (2014).
    [ arXiv:1404.6492 | Bibtex ]
  7. Growth of graph states in quantum networks.
    Martí Cuquet, John Calsamiglia.
    Physical Review A 86, 042304 (2012).
    [ arXiv:1208.0710 | PDF | Bibtex ]
  8. La crisi com a excusa: les retallades a la universitat i la situació dels investigadors en fase inicial.
    Martí Cuquet, Florencia del Castillo.
    Estrat crític: revista d’arqueologia 6, 109-120 (2012).
    [ PDF | Bibtex ]
  9. Limited-path-length entanglement percolation in quantum complex networks.
    Martí Cuquet, John Calsamiglia.
    Physical Review A 83, 032319 (2011).
    [ arXiv:1011.5630 | PDF | Bibtex ]
  10. Entanglement percolation in quantum complex networks.
    Martí Cuquet, John Calsamiglia.
    Physical Review Letters 103, 240503 (2009).
    [ arXiv:0906.2977 | PDF | Bibtex ]

Conference papers

  1. The network structure of visited locations according to geotagged social media photos.
    Christian Junker, Zaenal Akbar, Martí Cuquet.
    In: Camarinha-Matos L., Afsarmanesh H., Fornasiero R. (eds) Collaboration in a Data-Rich World, PRO-VE 2017, pp. 276-283. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 506. Springer, Cham.
    [ arXiv:1704.04739 | Bibtex ]
  2. A European research roadmap for optimizing societal impact of big data on environment and energy efficiency.
    Martí Cuquet, Anna Fensel, Lorenzo Bigagli.
    IEEE Global Internet of Things Summit (GIoTS), Geneva, Switzerland, 6-9 June, 2017, pp. 379-384.
    [ arXiv:1708.07871 | PDF | Bibtex ]

Conference abstracts


Edited proceedings

Project deliverables


Publications - Martí Cuquet