Final sustainability plan for the big data community

Lorenzo Bigagli, Martí Cuquet, Anna Fensel, Jarl Magnusson.
D7.2.2 BYTE Project, 26 July 2017.
[ PDF | Bibtex ]

BYTE has culminated in the launch of the BYTE Big Data Community (BBDC), a sustainable, cross-disciplinary platform that will implement the roadmap identified within the project, and will assist the European stakeholders in identifying and meeting the big data challenges, to finally achieve the scenario envisioned by BYTE for 2020.

Continued engagement and dialogue with stakeholders are key success factors for the implementation of a European research and policy roadmap for big data and to achieve the BYTE vision. Hence, the BBDC will be sustainable also after the close of the BYTE project, at least until 2020.

This document identifies possible measures to sustain the BBDC for its anticipated time of operation, including a letter of intent by committed members (among which, the partners of the BYTE consortium), a funding plan and a list of possible funding opportunities. It also outlines measures to sustain the possible future evolution of the BBDC, to ensure its continued efficiency and effectiveness.

  author = {Bigagli, Lorenzo and Magnusson, Jarl and Cuquet, Martí and Fensel, Anna},
  title = {Final sustainability plan for the big data community},
  institution = {BYTE Project},
  month = jul,
  year = 2017,
  number = {D7.2.2},
  type = {Project deliverable},
  doi = {10.5281/zenodo.1196794},
  url = {},
Final sustainability plan for the big data community - Martí Cuquet